Corporate Social Investment

Putco has been playing a key role in uplifting and supporting the communities in which we operate for over 40 decades by focusing on corporate social responsibility projects. The company is working on sustainable programmes that will empower South Africans. 

Putco started investing in communities  in 1982, long before there were any incentives from Government.

The Putco Corporate Social Investment (CSI) Foundation has shifted its focus from donating money and seeks to complement government efforts in fighting poverty, improving the living conditions of the vulnerable and enhancing the skills base amongst the youth.

We partner with the community organizations to ensure that identified projects address the needs of communities and are aligned to government priorities and the integrated Development Plans (IDPs) of Municipalities.

The Foundation has has embarked on the following initiatives:

  1. Sanitary towels and uniform donations to  the Somkhahlelwa,Musa, Sihlengiwe and Mphumelelomuhle High Schools and the Mangadisa as well as the Sibonelo Primary Schools in Mpumalanga to name a few.
  2. 12 apprentice students are identified annually and given a 3-year study opportunity at the Putco Training Academy.
  3. Provided transport services to St Mary's School.
  4. Provided support to campaigns against Gender Based violence through event hosted  by Snatch 22.
  5. Putco has donated to two children’s centres as part of its Corporate Social Investment programmes. The beneficiaries are the Bambanani Children’s Centre in Tweefontein, Mpumalanga and the Villa of Hope Child and Youth Care Centre in Nancefileld, Soweto.  These organisations provide much-needed care for the children who come from different backgrounds and are either living with disabilities, are orphaned or require alternative care due to abuse.The donations came from both Putco employees and the company itself. This way, we are affirming the motto that Putco and its employees care. The items donated to the Bambanani Children’s Centre and the Villa of Hope were non-perishable foods, toiletries, school shoes and gardening tools.  Putco Management is proud that the company is playing a part in assisting the less fortunate and the CSI projects will continue as Putco identifies more sustainable projects to support.
  6. Putco sponsored  a Career Day Expo at Tlhako Secondary School in Moteti, Limpopo in August 2024 as and exhibited available career opportunities in Putco. Grade 12 learners from 10 schools in the Moutse Circuit attended the exhibition. The expo was initiated by the NGO Oorlog Risiha. The organisation commended Putco saying its involvement has played a huge role while the Tlhako Secondary School Principal Rantate Nicholas Sepogwane says he is looking forward to a long-term relationship with Putco and Oorlog Risiha that will continue to empower learners. 
  7. Putco, the Gauteng Department of Community Safety and the Department of Roads and Transport held a Pedestrian Safety Awareness Campaign on 27 October 2023 in Soweto, at the Slovoville Pedestrian Bridge along the N12 Highway. This initiative is aimed at reducing the high number of pedestrians killed during road accidents. Pedestrian accounted for 44% of all deaths in the 2023 Easter Weekend toll. Putco spokesperson Lindokuhle Xulu said; “This educational campaign was informed by the number of pedestrians who are dying in high numbers on our roads. As a socially responsible and responsive company we decided to collaborate with the two Departments to highlight the importance of pedestrian safety and to encourage community members to use facilities such as pedestrian bridges for their own safety.” Putco donated reflective vests to the community members of Sloville and surrounding areas and equipment such as traffic cones and mobile road signs to the Delrado Primary School in Eldorado Park. Informative pamphlets on road safety were also distributed to the public. Community member Rebecca Kedibone Lepelle says, “We are happy with the reflector vests because we will be more visible now when we fetch children from school and help them to cross the road. We request the government to install speed humps along the road to slow down vehicles and ensure that we can cross safety especially the children when they are walking to and from school.”